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Chesapeake Water Watch: A New Participatory Science Project at SERC

Posted by Anna Davis on April 11th, 2023

by Shelby Brown

The Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) and the City College of New York (CCNY) have joined forces to launch a new participatory science project in the Chesapeake Bay. Chesapeake Water Watch is a collaborative effort aimed at filling in the gaps of traditional water monitoring techniques by using remote sensing and community involvement.

We see a woman with brown hair and a blue and white baseball hat kneeling down on a pier next to the water. She's pointing her phone up to the sky as she uses the HydroColor app to collect water clarity data for Chesapeake Water Watch. In front of her, also on the wooden pier, is a black clipboard with a gray piece of paper that she uses to calibrate the app. 
Volunteer Beth Paquette uses the free smartphone app, HydroColor, to collect turbidity (water clarity) data for the Chesapeake Water Watch project. Credit: Beth Paquette. 
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To Beat Invasive Phragmites, Look At Its Neighbors

Posted by Anna Davis on February 28th, 2023

by Kristen Goodhue

There’s still time to defeat Phragmites, an invasive reed running rampant throughout the U.S., including Chesapeake Bay wetlands. But controlling Phragmites is not easy, and it cannot be done everywhere. A new study published January 24, 2023 revealed new insights into where Phragmites control stands the best chance of success, and what wetlands might look like as native species return. 

Tall patches of Phragmites along the shores of a murky river with a forest of trees in the background.
A patch of Phragmites grows along the Patapsco River. (Credit: Dennis Whigham)

Phragmites australis, also known as the common reed, began exploding across the Chesapeake in the 1970s. While a native strain exists, it has been hard-pressed to compete with the invasive strain from Eurasia. It forms dense stands with shoots that can grow over 15 feet tall, eventually crowding out native plants. 

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Can We Combat Invasive Species As Natural Gas Trade Skyrockets? 

Posted by Anna Davis on January 26th, 2023

by Dr. Jenny Carney 

A few years ago, a massive tanker leaving lower Chesapeake Bay with a cargo of natural gas was a rare sight. Today—thanks to the booming liquefied natural gas (LNG) production on U.S. soil—they’ve become commonplace.   

A distant image from the water of a liquified natural gas tanker docked at a terminal.
Liquified natural gas (LNG) tanker berthed at the Dominion Cove Point LNG terminal loading LNG for export (Credit: Jenny Carney)

The U.S. is now the largest exporter of LNG globally. In July 2022, exports from all U.S. LNG facilities averaged 11.1 billion cubic feet per day. Further LNG export projects are underway in the U.S., which could expand combined daily export capacity by another 5.7 billion cubic feet daily.  

At the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC), scientists in the Marine Invasions Laboratory study an underreported side effect of this trade: how shipping can transport invasive species around the globe, by picking up aquatic “hitchhikers.” In a new project, I and others in the lab are attempting to zero in on the trade’s impact in Chesapeake Bay. 

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Justin Nowakowski: The Global Zoologist

Posted by Kristen Goodhue on January 13th, 2023

by Kristen Goodhue

Scientist in a gray shirt and cap kneels in an autumn forest, planting a white and green sensor in the ground
Justin Nowakowski plants a microclimate sensor to track temperature and soil moisture in the SERC forest. (Credit: Kristen Goodhue/SERC)

Justin Nowakowski’s work defies easy labels. He’s part amphibian tracker, part global change ecologist, part conservation biologist and part microclimate detector. He joined SERC as one of three new principal investigators this fall, after finishing a joint fellowship with the Smithsonian’s Working Land and Seascapes Initiative and Conservation International. In this Q&A, he dives into why thinking global requires zeroing in on the local. Edited for brevity and clarity.

Were there any moments or experiences that especially inspired you to be a scientist?

A senior thesis project that I worked on. It was a really simple project. All we were doing was trying to estimate abundances of larval stream salamanders…And we found they were far more abundant than we would have guessed, up to 100 individuals per meter squared in some of these streams. Highly abundant. But really going through that research experience, from inception to project design to data collection to analysis to communication, was for me an eye-opening experience.

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Rebecca Hale: City Streams and the Future of Urban Ecology

Posted by Kristen Goodhue on January 10th, 2023

by Kristen Goodhue

Scientist crouches in a stream beside a V-shaped weir, surrounded by yellow and orange autumn leaves.
Rebecca Hale sits beside one of SERC’s weirs, which tracks pollution and flow in streams. (Credit: Kristen Goodhue/SERC)

Rebecca Hale joined the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) last fall as the center’s first urban ecologist. Her new lab, the Watershed Science Lab, focuses on how cities can develop sustainably, especially where urban streams are concerned. In this Q&A, she talks about urban ecology, community-based science, environmental justice and the streams that scientists often forget. Edited for brevity and clarity.

When did you first know you wanted to be a scientist?

When I first started undergrad, I did not think I wanted to go into science at all. I didn’t really understand how creative science could be, and I wanted to do something that involved more creativity and not just memorizing stuff, which is how I was taught science in high school, as I’m sure most of us were.

And I took this ecology class where we had to be really creative to come up with interesting questions and think about what the answers to those questions could be. And we had to work collaboratively with our classmates, colleagues, to really figure out what was going on and what shaped ecosystems to be the way they are today.

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“Barren” Underwater Sand Flats More Biodiverse Than We Thought

Posted by Kristen Goodhue on January 4th, 2023

by Kristen Goodhue

A small white fish with a yellow head floats vertically above a sand and pebble-covered ocean floor.
Yellowhead jawfish (Opistognathus aurifrons), a fish that needs sand habitat to burrow. (Credit: Leah Harper)

When choosing which parts of the ocean to protect, many conservationists immediately jump to coral reefs or, occasionally, seagrasses and mangroves. But there’s another habitat that’s routinely forgotten. Sand flats harbor disproportionately high levels of species not found in other ecosystems, according to a new study led by the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) and Marine Global Earth Observatory (MarineGEO) program.

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Creating a “Living Seawall” in San Francisco Bay

Posted by Kristen Goodhue on December 14th, 2022

by Jaylene Lopez

This article originally appeared in ECO Magazine, for their special November issue on Marine Invasions.

Beige stone tile with marine plant life growing on it, affixed to a rocky ledge facing the water.
A tile deployed at the seawall adjacent to the San Francisco Marina Small Craft Harbor. This type of tile was part of a separate preliminary experiment, before the official “Living Seawall Pilot Project” began. (Credit: Corryn Knapp/SERC)

What if there was a way to create a seawall that aided local ecosystems instead of hindering them? This October, the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) launched the Living Seawall Pilot Project with the Port of San Francisco. The project aims to test new materials and design for San Francisco seawalls that may promote biodiversity, and create a more harmonious relationship between people and San Francisco Bay’s marine life.

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GalNEMO, New Online Database, Tracks Non-Native Species in the Galápagos

Posted by Kristen Goodhue on December 12th, 2022

by the SERC Marine Invasions Lab and the Charles Darwin Foundation

Crab with blue and yellow head, yellow front claws and red legs on a patch of gray dirt.
Blue land crab Cardisoma crassum, a non-native species in the Galapagos. Its first documented appearance on the islands was in 1993, but it may have arrived as early as the 1960s. (Credit: Gaell Mainguy via iNaturalist. CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0)

The Marine Invasions Research Laboratory of the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) in the United States and the Charles Darwin Foundation (CDF) of the Galápagos, Ecuador are pleased to announce the launch of the Galápagos Non-Native Estuarine and Marine Organisms database portal (GalNEMO).

Though long treasured as a refuge for biodiversity—and its critical role in Darwin’s theory of evolution—the Galápagos is not immune to invasion. In fact, more than 50 nonnative species have already found their way to the Galápagos Islands, SERC and CDF reported in 2019—more than 10 times the number scientists previously thought.

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Risky Routes: How Invasive Biofoulers Can Spawn On Ships In Transit

Posted by Kristen Goodhue on December 7th, 2022

by Nathaniel Humpal

Underwater photo of a ship hull, with orange and pink biofoulers clinging to it
Tunicates and bryozoans cling to a ship’s hull. When ships travel with plants and animals on their hulls, they can spread invasive species around the globe. (Credit: Kim Holzer)

Many people know that invasive species can harm local ecosystems. But one of the keys to their success—how quickly they can enter a new environment—remains shrouded in mystery. The Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) zeroed in on this issue in a new paper, highlighting the dangers of ignoring the potential of invasive species’ reproductivity.

Published in the December issue of Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, the new paper focused on invasive marine invertebrates that gather on ships’ hulls. These invertebrates go by the name biofoulers. They build up on hulls, and can remain there for a long time, until they reach an area ideal for reproduction.

“We focus on marine invertebrates in the paper because they’re a group that’s especially likely to rely on spawning to be introduced, because they don’t move for most of their lives!” said Sarah Donelan, a researcher at SERC’s Marine Invasions Lab and lead author of the paper. Since biofoulers can stay on hulls throughout the ships’ journeys, ships can introduce them to multiple new areas. Sooner or later, they’ll reach an area ideal for them to reproduce and invade the local ecosystem.

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San Francisco’s Record-Setting Algal Bloom Leaves Streak Of Mysteries In Its Wake

Posted by Kristen Goodhue on December 2nd, 2022

by Jaylene Lopez

Young woman in a beige cap kneels on a dock beside a green cart
SERC-West intern Karina Lang retrieves a plate from the red tide at the San Leandro marina. (Photo: Jaylene Lopez/SERC)

In late summer 2022, San Francisco Bay experienced an unprecedented toxic algal bloom that caused a red tide across the bay, leading to the largest fish kill in years. Experts are still trying to figure out its cause.

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