by Emily Borger, education specialist
Beaks and fins and claws, oh my!
Volunteers are central to most of the work that happens at the Reed Education Center, and caring for the animals in all of the fish tanks is no exception. Recently, we’ve added a brand new group of volunteers to help us care for our aquaria and ambassador animals. We call them our “Tank Team.”
The Tank Team volunteers chop food, weigh terrapins, scrub tanks and rinse filters every week. And the animals have been loving it! Having the volunteers take on these tasks allows the education staff to devote more of their time to developing and running programs for students and teachers, and it ensures that we are able to provide visitors with a beneath-the-surface view of what lives right off of the SERC dock.
The Reed Center was closed through much of the winter as we underwent some construction. However, the Reed Center reopened to the public as of April 2023. So, be sure to come visit our beautiful tanks and happy creatures.
Thank you very much to Mark Baskeyfield, Mary Edwards, Lynne and Alan Traher, and Richard Hohn for your continued support of our live animals and tanks!