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A Postdoc Travels Back 40 Years to Uncover New Truths of Forest Fragmentation

Posted by Kristen Goodhue on March 24th, 2022

by Caitlyn Dittmeier, Smithsonian Working Land and Seascapes intern

Selfie of a scientist hiking through a forest, wearing a blue backpack and a white baseball cap
Amy Hruska pauses for a selfie after conducting a songbird survey. (Credit: Amy Hruska)

At 6 a.m., bird songs chime a new day of field work for Amy Hruska, a postdoc with the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) and Chesapeake Working Land and Seascapes ecologist. Recording the species for every tweet and chirp she hears for 20 minutes is hard work. But Hruska is more concerned about a looming silence. Since 1970, 1 billion birds have disappeared from North American forests, leading scientists like Hruska to study the effects of habitat loss on local populations.

Forests once covered 95% of the Chesapeake Bay landscape. But after centuries of intensive farming and development, approximately half of that forest has been cleared. The remaining forest exists in insular patches, bordered by croplands, roads and cities. Scientists understand that fragmentation threatens native wildlife, but they know far less about its impacts over a long period of time.

Curious to know more, Hruska launched a new project investigating how changing land use has transformed the Bay landscape over the past 40 years. To do so, she’s revisiting the same forest patches that SERC researchers studied decades ago.

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“Portfolio Approach” Can Help Protect Restorations From Extreme Climate

Posted by Kristen Goodhue on March 9th, 2022

by Kristen Goodhue

Two scientists in the water. One kneels beside a manmade rock ball for oyster restorations; the other stands with a clipboard.
Chela Zabin, a SERC marine ecologist, and Thomas Abbott, biologist with the Univ. of California, Davis, check oysters at a restoration in Hayward, San Francisco Bay. (Credit: Geana Ayala/Univ. of California, Davis)

California is no stranger to extreme events. Record-breaking wildfires or heat waves make headlines nearly every year. But in the winter of 2017, another type of extreme devastated underwater life: A series of “Pineapple Express” storms from Hawai’i created extreme rainfall not seen since the state began keeping records in 1895.

“Several atmospheric rivers came and dumped water on the Bay area,” said Chela Zabin, a marine biologist at the San Francisco branch of the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) and lead author of a new study on climate extremes.

“For Northern California, 2017 was the wettest winter on record,” said Andy Chang, a SERC biologist and coauthor. “Given our changing climate, record-breaking, once-in-a-lifetime wet years like 2017 are now projected to occur much more often.”

The downpours wreaked havoc on an oyster and eelgrass restoration site that Zabin, Chang and a team of ecologists had been working on since 2012, as part of the San Francisco Bay Living Shorelines Project. The water’s saltiness plummeted to five parts per thousand—a level Olympia oysters can withstand for days, but not months. When the team checked the restoration later in the spring and summer, not a single oyster had survived. However, all was not lost. The following fall, oysters began growing there again naturally. New oyster larvae had drifted into the barren restoration, likely from more central parts of the bay that were not as affected by the extreme rainfall.

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The Perplexing Case of the Peppermint Shrimp

Posted by Kristen Goodhue on February 10th, 2022

How the appearance of a nonnative shrimp in the Chesapeake unearthed a 160-year-old naming mystery

Side-by-side photos of two peppermint shrimp against a black background. One has red stripes running only lengthwise down its body, and one has perpendicular red stripes.
Left: Peppermint shrimp Lysmata vittata found in Chesapeake Bay, now considered the Bruce Clade or “true” Lysmata vittata. Right: Peppermint shrimp found in Singapore, once considered Lysmata vittata. The criss-crossing stripes mark it as belonging to the Rauli Clade, possibly a different species. (Credit: Rob Aguilar/SERC and Arthur Anker)

by Kristen Goodhue

It seemed like such an innocent catch: two peppermint shrimp, netted in the lower Chesapeake Bay during the 2013 Blue Crab Winter Dredge Survey. But their discovery would send Smithsonian biologist Rob Aguilar spiraling down a rabbit hole of century-old field notes, museum fires and World War II bombings. In a new study, Aguilar and SERC’s Fisheries Conservation Lab finally unraveled a taxonomic knot over a century in the making.

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Biodiversity Makes Reefs Tick—But It Needs Big Players

Posted by Kristen Goodhue on February 2nd, 2022

by Kristen Goodhue

Underwater photo of silver fish swimming over a reef, with orange, pink, brown and white coral.
A school of yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) at Lord Howe Island in Australia. The presence of large fish like yellowtails can help keep ecosystems healthy and productive, a new study found. (Credit: Rick Stuart Smith, Reef Life Survey)

Three thousand reefs. (Technically 3,040 reefs, for those who like precision.) That’s how many underwater sites scientists and volunteers poured over in the latest effort to uncover how much biodiversity matters for reef health.

The answer: Quite a lot.

Scientists have known for years that diverse fish communities help ocean ecosystems flourish, even when facing rising temperatures and climate change. But the latest study, published in Nature Communications, reveals it’s about more than the numbers. Which species call a reef home can matter just as much as how many there are. And that holds especially true when it comes to large predator fish.

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Out of the Ballast Tank & Into the Waters, Part 3: How The Supply and Demand Faucet Can Fight Invaders

Posted by Kristen Goodhue on December 8th, 2021

by Marissa Sandoval

Photo taken from onboard the deck of  a massive red cargo ship. The ship juts out into the ocean, with no land in sight. A fountain of ballast water arcs out the right side of the ship.
A cargo ship purges its the ballast water from its hull into the ocean. (Credit: Tim Mullady/SERC Marine Invasions Lab)

This is the final article in a 3-part series about ballast water. Part 1 provided a brief history of ballast water and its accompanying invasive species threats. Part 2 illustrated how scientists from the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) are researching technology to prevent invasions and keeping an eye on current ones. This article shows how SERC scientists are working to predict vulnerable spots for ballast water invasion, using shipping networks and commercial trade information.

They say you can never step into the same river twice, since the water’s always running. The same could be said about waters on the shore. Not only do currents sweep the waves to and fro, but new seawater is also constantly being introduced from the ballast tanks of globetrotting ships.

It’s estimated that foreign ships discharge over 180 million metric tons of ballast water off U.S. coasts each year, according to the National Ballast Information Clearinghouse (NBIC). In each ton comes a chance for aquatic critters from foreign ports to invade new shores.

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Ocean Plastic Is Creating New Communities of Life on the High Seas

Posted by Kristen Goodhue on December 2nd, 2021

Coastal Organisms Thrive on Floating Plastic Debris in the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch”

by Kristen Goodhue

Watch: Marine biologist Linsey Haram describes how she studies life floating on plastic pollution that nonprofits and citizen scientists collect from the Pacific Ocean.

Coastal plants and animals have found a new way to survive in the open ocean—by colonizing plastic pollution. A new commentary published Dec. 2 in Nature Communications reports coastal species growing on trash hundreds of miles out to sea in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre, more commonly known as the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch.”

Closeup of black cylinder coated in yellow, thread-like hydroids, tiny barnacles and a single light-brown crab

Floating debris with a mix of coastal organisms (the yellow podded hydroids Aglaophenia pluma) and open-ocean organisms (Planes crab and gooseneck barnacles) collected in 2018 by the Ocean Cleanup in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution. (Credit: The Ocean Cleanup)

“The issues of plastic go beyond just ingestion and entanglement,” said Linsey Haram, lead author of the article and former postdoctoral fellow at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC). “It’s creating opportunities for coastal species’ biogeography to greatly expand beyond what we previously thought was possible.”

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Digging for Blue Carbon in the Mangroves of Belize

Posted by Kristen Goodhue on November 12th, 2021

Green-leaved mangroves cover a shoreline, with arching brown roots stretching out into the water

Mangroves are powerful players in fighting climate change, able to store more carbon per unit area than some tropical forests. Above-water roots like these help some mangroves survive in flooded, low-oxygen environments. (Credit: Jonathan Lefcheck/SERC)

by Kristen Goodhue

Mangrove forests try the grit—and grace—of even the most seasoned field ecologist. Flies. Heat. Mazes of trip hazards, from roots and dwarf mangroves jutting aboveground. Suction-cup mud that can pull researchers in up to their thighs.

“If you’re not careful, you can sink,” warned Hannah Morrissette, a postdoc with the Smithsonian Marine Station. Morrissette has explored mangroves in the Dominican Republic and Belize. She’s developed a healthy respect not just for their obstacles, but what they can offer society. “Trying to put a value on these is almost impossible, because of the breadth of their services,” she said.

It’s true: When it comes to protecting coastal economies and drinking up carbon, few ecosystems can compete with mangroves. But few ecosystems make scientists work harder to get the data to prove it.

“I would say, as somebody who’s six foot four, that mangroves are a short person’s game,” said Jonathan Lefcheck, a marine biologist with the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.

Morrissette and Lefcheck were part of a larger team that journeyed through Belize this September. Dubbed the “Belize Blue Carbon Team,” they joined dozens of Belizean scientists to visit nine mangrove forests in under a month. Their mission: Bolster Belize’s efforts to fight climate change, by uncovering how much carbon its mangrove forests can lock away.
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Stony Corals Staging A Comeback In Belize

Posted by Kristen Goodhue on November 5th, 2021

by Kristen Goodhue

Aerial photo of a small island with a few houses, palm trees and two docks jutting out into aquamarine water

Carrie Bow Cay, the Smithsonian’s tropical island field station in Belize. (Credit: Zachary Foltz/Smithsonian Marine Station)

Caribbean corals have been through a rough few decades. Between the 1970s and early 2000s, the region’s hard coral coverage dropped over 80%, largely fueled by climate change and harmful algal growth from overfishing and pollution. But on the island of Carrie Bow Cay in Belize, biologists discovered signs of a possible comeback.

Stony corals on the island’s outer rings—known as forereefs—more than doubled in just five years. A new study published this fall in the Nature journal Scientific Reports documents the recovery.  Click to continue »


From Atlantic To Pacific, The Traffic Is Terrifically Skewed

Posted by Kristen Goodhue on November 5th, 2021

Two scientists in hard hats and orange vests kneel on a dock near the Panama Canal, with cranes and barges in the background

Biologists Linda McCann and Kristen Larson at the Colón Container Terminal on the Atlantic side of the Panama Canal. (Credit: Carmen SchlÖder/STRI)

by Marissa Sandoval

If you were to imagine the busiest shipping hot spots in the world, would you think of the Panama Canal? Since its creation in 1914, the Panama Canal has seen over 1.1 million transits. In 2020 alone, over 13,000 ship transits carried natural gas, petroleum, dry goods, and (you can probably guess) invasive species.

In a recently published study, biologists found just how busy sedentary marine invertebrates, or invertebrates that generally don’t move about, and their predators have been around the Panama Canal. Even though sedentary invertebrates don’t move much on their own as adults, you’d be surprised how many species appeared where they didn’t belong, thanks to high shipping intensity in Panama. Click to continue »


When A Seed Falls In A Forest, Does It Make a Tree?

Posted by Kristen Goodhue on October 7th, 2021

by Deva Holliman

Young man of Asian descent, standing in a forest with tall trees, moss and understory

Chia-Hao Chang-Yang works on the 2019 annual mortality survey in a rainforest plot in Fushan, Taiwan. (Credit: Ting-Hsuan Kuo)

In 2003, Chia-Hao Chang-Yang, a researcher at Taiwan’s National Sun Yat-Sen University, began monitoring tree seedlings growing in a subtropical rainforest plot in Fushan, Taiwan. He and his colleagues tagged all tree seedlings from the new emergent sprouts up to 2 meters tall. They returned every six months to check on their growth.

For the next 16 years, Chang-Yang and his team returned and repeated the measurements. By the end, they had identified 13,818 seedlings from 40 different tree species.

Over all those years, only one seedling grew into a sapling taller than two meters. The other seedlings either stayed small—growing at a snail’s pace—or perished.

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