Jellyfish, cownose ray and blue crab snowflakes
by Heather Soulen
Winter storm Jonas is knocking on our doorsteps here on the East Coast, threatening blizzard conditions in some areas. Many of us will be hunkering down waiting for the storm to pass. We thought we’d create some fun Chesapeake Bay inspired snowflake designs for you and your family to create during the storm. Simply download the pdfs, print them out and follow the instructions at the bottom.
There are four designs to choose from, the easiest being the cownose ray and the most difficult being the blue crab. We’ve provided a blank template for you to create your own Chesapeake Bay or nature inspired design. Since this requires the use of scissors, parents please assist small children.
We’d love to see your snowflakes – be sure to post pictures of your snowflakes on our Facebook page or on Twitter!
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/SmithsonianEnv
Cute, thank you!