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From the Field: Dolphins!

Posted by Kristen Goodhue on June 4th, 2013

by Katrina Lohan

 A dolphin surfaces in Indian River Lagoon, Fla. (Kristina Hill)

A dolphin surfaces in Indian River Lagoon, Fla. (Kristina Hill)

We soon learned that it is mating season for dolphins and they frequently visit the Indian River Lagoon. On our boat trips to sampling locations, we have seen dolphins twice, and both times they were engaging in courtship behaviors. They are such graceful creatures.

I have to admit that I really, really want to see a manatee, another commonly spotted marine mammal in the lagoon. I haven’t spotted one yet, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed!

More on dolphin courtship >>

View manatee spotted in Florida mangroves >>


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