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Adult Fish Aren’t Truly ‘Protected’ in Marine Protected Areas

Friday, April 12th, 2024

To Replenish Adult Spawners, Marine Protected Areas Need Strong Enforcement and Climate-Friendly Design

by Kristen Goodhue

A swarm of yellow fish and silver fish with yellow tailfins swim around a coral reef in a marine protected area
Bluestriped grunts and gray snapper, two fish species vital to the local economy, in Belize’s Hol Chan Marine Reserve. (Credit: Pete Oxford/iLCP)

Age matters when determining how to protect life in the ocean. Every population needs a strong cohort of adults to produce the next generation. But many marine protected areas (MPAs) are falling short of their most basic purpose: to rebuild struggling fish populations. In a new study published this month in Global Change Biology, scientists looked at the age breakdown of reef fish in marine protected areas for the first time. They discovered in almost all of them, adult fish populations have either flatlined or declined.

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How Much Can Wetlands Fight Climate Change? A New Coastal Carbon Atlas Has The Answers.

Monday, April 1st, 2024

by Kristen Goodhue

When Superstorm Sandy reached New York on Oct. 29, 2012, it pummeled the coastline with 80 mile-per-hour winds, flooding streets and subway tunnels. Leaving over $70 billion of destruction across its entire path, Sandy ranks among the costliest natural disasters in U.S. history. But in the northeastern U.S, coastal wetlands prevented an estimated $625 million in damage.

The world needs wetlands to protect us from climate change, and not only in the form of extreme weather. Coastal wetlands are champions at storing carbon in their soils—231 metric tons per hectare on average, according to one estimate. 

 A young woman wearing goggles and purple gloves stands in a lab, preparing a sample on a table with a fume hood
Jaxine Wolfe prepares an acid test to determine the presence of inorganic carbon in a soil sample for the Coastal Carbon Atlas. (Credit: Kristen Goodhue/SERC)

“Wetlands are pulling a lot of weight for the given amount of area that they take up on the planet,” said Jaxine Wolfe, a research technician with the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC). “And so there’s a lot of excitement about leveraging these ecosystems for the mitigation of climate change effects. You can do a lot by conserving a particular wetland or restoring it.”

“The conservation of wetlands, while it might have global effects, also has the most localized benefits,” said fellow data technician Henry Betts, citing examples like sustaining fisheries and recreation. “Keeping them healthy and growing can benefit people directly in their everyday lives.”

Wolfe and Betts work on a team illuminating the unique powers of wetlands. This winter, in the January issue of Global Change Biology, the team unveiled an online database centered on how wetlands store carbon worldwide: The Coastal Carbon Atlas and Library. It contains data from nearly 15,000 soil cores from every continent except Antarctica. Like a true public library, the data are freely available to everyone. And it’s revolutionizing our ability to make predictions about wetlands and climate change.

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Lessons from the Field: A Living Seawall, One Year Later

Thursday, February 1st, 2024

by Sara Aoki

Young woman stands partially in the water beside a seawall, wearing a safety harness and holding a clipboard. She is smiling at the camera, with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background
Jessika de Jesus takes notes on the new Living Seawall project in San Francisco. (Credit: Corryn Knapp)

Over one hundred years ago, San Francisco built its first seawall: a 3-mile, concrete wall that protects the city’s shores from sea level rise and erosion.

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Beth Bowers: Tracking Life Underwater in the Era of Offshore Wind

Thursday, February 1st, 2024

by Sara Aoki

Beth Bowers, a scientist with braided blonde hair and sunglasses, leans over the side of a boat holding a shark fin with a small black tag attached to it
Beth Bowers tags a blacktip shark with Florida Atlantic University (Credit: Dr. Stephen Kajiura)

Beth Bowers follows the journeys of aquatic animals, using tags that transmit sound signals. As a new postdoc in SERC’s Fisheries Conservation Lab, she’s now using her skills to study how offshore wind farms could impact marine life along the Atlantic coast. Her specialty is “acoustic telemetry”—a technology where scientists outfit animals with special acoustic tags to track their movements underwater. By knowing where animals move, feed and breed, governments can make better decisions about how we develop renewable energy while minimizing impacts to the environment.  

In this Q&A, Beth explains how acoustic telemetry works, her hopes for the future and advice for aspiring scientists. Edited for brevity and clarity.

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Eight Weird and Wondrous Discoveries from 2023

Friday, January 26th, 2024

by Kristen Goodhue

Animals that can thrive on floating trash. A possible origin story for toxic mercury in our food web. The true power of protected areas, and the secret to a successful forest. This past year had its fair share of jaw-dropping moments for the scientists at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC). Here are eight of our favorite discoveries from 2023—from the hopeful and inspiring to the utterly bizarre.

A blue, donut-shaped piece of plastic coated with pink barnacles and a white gooseneck barnacle. A yellow ruler rests above it for scale, showing the blue plastic is about 6 centimeters in diameter.
Plastic debris with a mix of coastal barnacles (pink and striped) and a gooseneck barnacle from the open ocean. (Credit: SERC Marine Invasions Lab)

Coastal creatures are flourishing in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Floating plastic pollution is creating a new habitat in the open ocean, one where coastal animals can prosper. In a new study, ecologists analyzed 105 pieces of debris from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. They found hundreds of marine invertebrates, belonging to 37 groups which they once thought could survive only on the coasts. The discovery heralds a new era fighting invasive species, when animals can cross entire oceans on plastic rafts. It’s also a shakeup for once-stable ecosystems on the high seas: The newcomers are grabbing space from ocean-open animals and occasionally even eating them.

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Reducing Methane By Reconnecting Wetlands With The Sea

Thursday, January 11th, 2024

by Sara Aoki

A low-lying green wetland juts out towards an open expanse of water. A clear, narrow stream cuts through the mossy banks.
Theler Wetlands Nature Preserve, a tidal marsh in Washington State. (Credit: Joe Mabel, cropped. Creative Commons License)

In an era of climate change and global warming, the United States must look to an unlikely savior for reducing greenhouse gas emissions: coastal wetlands.

Wetlands, otherwise known as salt marshes or tidal swamps, have achieved celebrity status for their ability to store large amounts of carbon. Unfortunately, man-made structures like bridges and dams have triggered many wetlands to emit carbon in the form of methane, an even more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. Luckily, a recent study indicates that some coastal wetlands could slash their methane emissions dramatically–up to the equivalent of 1 million metric tons of carbon dioxide–if they’re restored to their most natural, environmentally friendly state.

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BiodiversiTREE: North America’s Largest Tree Diversity Experiment Turns 10

Friday, September 22nd, 2023

by Kristen Goodhue

“Plant it and forget it for 10 years. Nothing interesting happens in young forests.”

John Parker remembers hearing that advice from a colleague who worked in tropical forests. It was the summer of 2012. Parker, a senior scientist at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC), was on the verge of planting 20,000 tree saplings on the center’s campus. Once planted, his team would watch a new forest grow from scratch. He hoped the project would continue for at least a century.

“I was pretty worried,” Parker said. The early years were especially rough, as his lab worked to win small grants and recruit interns to help keep it going. “We didn’t forget it,” he said. “We kept the experiment running and collected data. But it was somewhat piecemeal without a big grant to hold it all together.”

Just over a decade later, the 60-acre experiment—BiodiversiTREE—is a thriving mosaic of sycamores, elms, tulip poplars and 13 other tree species. It’s attracted scientists from around the world. Some are former SERC postdocs returning with their students. Others are new collaborators.

Parker now sees the project as a model of “if you build it, they will come.” But building it was tough.

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Intern Spotlight: Anna Pedersen Blurs Boundaries with Science Illustration

Thursday, September 21st, 2023

by Anna Davis

Painting of an underwater oyster reef populated by fish, turtles and crabs, with a marshy shoreline above.
Anna Pedersen’s painting of the organisms in Chesapeake oyster reefs. The species change from more freshwater species on the left to more saltwater species on the right. (Credit: Anna Pedersen/SERC)

Though the Smithsonian is home to both mind-bending art and groundbreaking science, these disciplines all too often appear as opposites. The myth of “analytical, left-brained” scientists and “creative, right-brained” artists creates a false dichotomy. However, art is an increasingly important way to communicate complex scientific ideas.

This spring, the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) sponsored its first science illustration internship and experienced the power of bridging the gap between art and science. Anna Pedersen joined SERC for an 11-week internship, thanks to generous funding from the Maxwell/Hanrahan Foundation. Her intern project centered on creating a beautiful and original painting that helps communicate SERC science.

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Kelvin Acebron: Shining a Light on Photosynthesis

Friday, August 11th, 2023

by Laila Hurd

Young man kneeling in a rainforest. He is holding a small scientific measuring device on a black crate, connected to another scientific instrument on a tripod.
Kelvin Acebron in Barro Colorado Island in Panama. He is collecting data on leaf gas-exchange to measure CO2 uptake at the leaf level. (Photo: Vicente Vasquez/Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute)

We may think we’re familiar with photosynthesis—the textbook recipe plants use to make food from light, water and carbon dioxide (CO2). But measuring it, particularly in natural settings, requires factoring in complex variables. Kelvin Acebron is a postdoc in the Quantitative Ecology Lab at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center. He’s spent the last decade measuring photosynthesis and studying its regulation in the field. In this Q&A, Kelvin discusses photosynthesis in agriculture and in plants’ natural habitats (like tropical forests). He also shares what he’s learned in his global scientific journey. This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.

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Volunteer Spotlight: Maria Alejandra Ceballos Returns After 30 Years

Wednesday, August 9th, 2023

by Laila Hurd

Maria Alejandra Ceballos, wearing a yellow shirt, holds the sun photometer during her 1993 internship (pictured left). Thirty years later, in a photo on the right, she replicates the 1993 photo to show herself using an updated version of the device.
Left: Maria Alejandra Ceballos uses a sun photometer during her 1993 internship at SERC. Right: Thirty years later, Ceballos uses the Calitoo photometer, an updated version of the same device. (Credit: Jenny Jones and Pat Neale)

Though currently a volunteer with the Chesapeake Water Watch project, this is not Maria Alejandra Ceballos’ first rodeo at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC). Thirty years ago, Ceballos spent her summer interning at SERC’s Photobiology and Solar Radiation Lab with Pat Neale. Since then, she has made a career studying water quality and ecology, combining her passion for the outdoors with scientific pursuits.

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